Canadian Art Therapy Association

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Canadian Journal of Art Therapy New Special Issue

CATA-ACAT Journal is excited to introduce the new Special Issue - Anti-Oppressive Art Therapy: Re-Indigenization and Anticolonialism

Dive into the latest research and insights at the intersection of art therapy, social justice, ReIndiginization, anticolonialism, reconciliation, anti-oppressive practices, and cultural reclamation and resurgence with Creativity as Spirit. This much-needed issue delves into the transformative power of art in dismantling oppressive structures, fostering re-Indigenization, and challenging colonial legacies in research and art therapy.

This issue is a part of a multi-journal collaborative Anti-Oppressive Special Issue with the American Art Therapy Association Journal and the International Journal of Art Therapy.

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Guest Editor: Megan Kanerahtenhá:wi Whyte

Cover Artwork (pictured): Self Portrait as Land; All the Places I Have Loved by Jen Vivian

Editorial - Creativity as Spirit: Re-Indigenization and Anticolonialism in Art Therapy by Megan Kanerahtenhá:wi Whyte & Haley Toll

Knitting as a Way of Honoring Black Ancestry and Creating Storytelling Through Community, Belonging, and the Reframing of Grief: A Womanist Perspective by Hannah Taylor-Johnson

Stepping Into the Circle: Inviting Spirit Through Medicine Wheel Teachings in the Expressive Therapies Continuum by Megan Kanerahtenhá:wi Whyte

Reclaiming Métis Identity: Implications for Art Therapy Research and Practice by Kayla Cardinal

Groundwater: At the Heart of the Circle by Monica Carpendale

From Practice to Pedagogy: How Lessons Learned in the Field Helped Decolonize Creative Therapies Education by Michelle Moss, Roslyn Rowen & Anthony Duwun Lee

Book Review - Unsettling Spirit: A Journey Into Decolonization by Denise M. Nadeau, reviewed by Claudia Mandler McKnight